I totally forgot to add my 10 week ultrasound picture to the stack of photos in the latest blog update, though it turned out to be for the best. I ended up needing another ultrasound on Wednesday for the various and always present issues I tend to have during pregnancy. The baby hangs on in there and appears to be totally healthy. I already know it has 10 healthy looking fingers and toes and a strong heart beat. It all measures just as it should. I count those things as the great blessings! We are very excited to meet number 4 in May. I should be finding out the sex in less than 8 weeks.
Enjoy more fuzzy ultrasound photos of our latest, most adorable blessing.
# 4 at 10 weeks. The baby was crazy with energy for this ultrasound and we watched in amazement as it did acrobatics for us.
# 4 at 12 weeks, apparently sucking his/her thumb. The baby gave me one swift kick which I both saw and felt at the same time. I didn't believe I was feeling movement until that point. Then it promptly went back to sleep.
#4 at 12 weeks.
Are you feeling better these days? I hope so!